Call for papers: Digital and sensory expertise – thinking deskilling and reskilling across automation

Workshop at the Technical University of Denmark on June 20, 2023 at 10.00-16.00.

Organized by Brit Winthereik & Minna Ruckenstein

Digital expertise, Tamar Sharon (2021, 54) argues, has become “an entry ticket to previouslyautonomous spheres, bringing with it other values and interests and granting newfound power toreshape spheres according to those values and interests.” She describes how digital expertise hasdisrupted and disturbed work practices in fields ranging from health and law to media and education.Since similar processes are at play, we can detect traces of the digital across them in how people areforming and protecting their work processes and work identities. An example could be that peopleresist decisions leading to disembodiment or that they work around automation processes thatdistribute their expertise (Jorgensen, Gad & Winthereik, 2023).

Overall, our workshop seeks to establish a shared agenda for understanding forms of embodimentand expertise amidst processes of automation. To move into that direction, we ask the workshopparticipants to write short position papers (1-2 pages) to respond to some or all of following questionsin the context of the case or development that you are looking at:

  • What forms of deskilling/reskilling are relevant in the context of work/expertise that you are
  • How is it similar/different than earlier forms of devaluing /revaluing work in that field?
  • What does competence or lack of it promote in the context of expertise you are studying?
  • What is the role of bodily, sensory knowledge in the environment you are studying, how does
    automation impact on it, and does it bring about other forms of knowledge?
  • How do people react to automation, do they talk about deskilling/reskilling at all, or do they relate to it as a question of reconfiguration of expertise?

The workshop will include short research presentations, group work, and a panel debate. Theselection of presenters will be based on the quality of their work and its relevance to the workshop.All submitted position papers will be used as background material for the group work and debate.

More info and detials for submissions here:…cross-automation/